Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Beautiful Day at the Custom Machine Shop

Although it's not something you would imagine being beautiful, you'd be surprised at how well you'd adjust to life on the production floor. No, it's not super dirty like you may picture. And no, it's not stuffy as portrayed either. On beautiful days like today, the doors swing open and let the cool summer breeze sweep through the stations.

Machines run, and operators guide and supervise the custom parts that are being made. It's certainly not a vision you would see on Mike Rowe's 'Dirty Jobs' show. It's a beautiful sight when projects are done, and employees are proud of the parts at hand. The customer smiles as they're presented - what's not beautiful about that?

We're not trying to come off as sappy. No, that's not the intention. We'd like to simply shed light on the lighter side of manufacturing that most people don't get to see. The beautiful side. Much in the same way Michael Hodges put together his "Tour Detroi's Ugly-Beautiful Manufacturing Landmarks", there is always more than one way to see things.

Think it over.


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