Friday, September 11, 2009

Okay so it was less than a week...

But I see so many questions popping up already so I thought I should probably get on the ball and answer some questions. Not to mention, it's Friday and it only seemed fitting to blog it up!

The question I wanted to answer today is this;

"How do I cut ceramic tile?"

Depending on the quantity, size and detail you want your tile cut, your options can vary. If you're cutting a few tiles or just have a mild cut you'd like to do, then they do make tile cutters for that.. just make sure to practice first. If you have an intricate design and/or quite a few tiles to cut, then another option would be waterjet cutting in this case.

Abrasive waterjet cutting, to be exact... (depending on the type of tile though, I guess water-only waterjet has been used before as well.

Here is a case study for VCT tile (like linoleum)

and one for custom slat tile as well

Both turned out pretty cool, if I do say so myself :)

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